Remote working is the new norm for most of the businesses, when communication is the key role in having an efficient & productive remote working team, adapting a solution that eases remote team communication is necessary.

Working remotely during COVID-19 pandemic continues as there is no sudden stop to it. Moreover, businesses are taking this as an opportunity to improve their strategies to make remote working a hassle less effort/procedure for employees.

Businesses need to ensure that employee’s productivity is not compromised by adapting new ways to communicate with each other.

Below are some easy ways to adapt communication styles to ensure remote teams are working efficiently and effectively as you were in the office.

Define remote team communication channels for better engagement

Businesses can implement enterprise communication solutions like Teams by Microsoft to create specific channels to help enhance project collaboration and productivity. To help utilize the full potential of Teams, it is recommended to create a combination of Public and Private conversations to help minimize the “noise” and enhance employee productivity and collaboration.

Define a Video vs Non-Video Conferencing Recommendation

With employees working out their homes, it is important to help create that virtual co-working concept using video conference with Microsoft Teams. However, it is important to find that balance of video vs non-video conferences. With many months into the work from home, we can all understand the nuances and “preparation” for video conferences. Having a full day of video conferences could lead to more exhaustion and a decrease in productivity.

Organize daily sync-ups

Daily team sync-up is necessary to know how your employees are doing remotely, it is good to have a human touch by asking about them and their schedule rather than just about work.

Respect the time-zones

If you happen to have teams working in different time zones, keep in mind about their working hours, it’s not necessary that they may operate the same manner when things were normal.

Not using Teams? Not using Microsoft 365? Contact us to help you unleash the power of the Microsoft 365 platform to help build a productive, efficient, cost-effective team!